Skrewball White Russian

Creamy & a little "nutty" cocktail to celebrate the "Skrewball" in all of us!

Got Skrewball or another Peanut Butter Whiskey?

Only 4 ingredients for a little boozy bliss! You deserve it!

Make this delicious cocktail in no time.

Skrewball  White Russian Ingredients

1 oz. Vodka

Splash of Heavy Cream or Half & Half

1 oz. Coffee Liqueur (Like Kahlua)

2 oz. Skrewball Peanut Butter Whiskey

Rim Option 


Dip Glass Rim into Simple Syrup

Then Dip Rim into salted mixture

Mix of: Espresso Salt, Peanut Butter Powder & a touch of Brown Sugar

Ice it & Pour


After you salt your rim, if you choose to...pour Skrewball, Vodka & Coffee Liqueur into your rocks glass with ice cube(s)

Cream it up!


Add a splash of Heavy Cream, Half & Half or Whole Milk to your glass.  Serve unstirred immediately.

Frozen Option 


Want a  Frozen Skrewball  White Russian?

Why not?! Add the equivalant of 2 drinks to a blender with a large handful of ice and blend. Top with whipped cream and have a boozy treat!

Cheers!!!  Enjoy & Remember, Sharing is caring!

If you like the recipe be sure to tag us and share it on your favorite Social Media. @WholeMadeLiving

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